This website contains information, links, images and adult videos of explicit adult material. If you are under the age of 18, if such material offends you or if it’s illegal to view such material in your community please do not continue.
· I am at least 18 years of age.
· I will not redistribute any material from this on-line community.
· I will not allow any minors to access this on-line community or any material found inside.
· As a Parent I understand it is My responsibility to use the Parental Control Bar to control what My kids see on-line.
· As a Parent I understand it is My responsibility to control what My kids see on My computer.
· Access may be prohibited in certain states/countries. If your local laws forbid sexually explicit material, please leave.I understand it is my responsibility if I am choosing to download this content.
· Any material I download from this on-line community is for my own personal use, I will not show it to a minor nor allow any access to this on-line community or any material herein.
· Sexually explicit material depicting bondage, S/M, fetish activities and other sex between consenting adults is allowed by the local law governing my region.
· I was not contacted by the suppliers of this material and I willingly choose to download it.
· I agree that pictures depicting women being penetrated by objects such as vibrators or dildos, is not obscene or offensive in any way, nor do I believe that such material could be ever considered obscene or offensive.
· I agree that pictures and videos of men and women having consensual sex is not obscene or offensive in any way, nor do I believe such material could ever be considered obscene or offensive as sex is a fundamental part of human nature. Furthermore, I believe that calling any kind of consensual sex obscene would be the same as calling sleeping, eating, urinating or defecating obscene, and it is patently absurd to call such biological imperatives obscene when they are dictated by the design of Nature herself.
· I understand and appreciate the enormous effort that it takes for a small staff of dedicated bondage ART enthusiasts to produce quality ART work, week after week, and out of respect for their hard work, I will in turn respect their copyrighted material and not post it to newsgroups or message boards or otherwise illegally share it, thereby serving to further deprive the staff of this on-line community of the means needed to produce quality artistic content in the future for me to enjoy.
· I believe the video and images and other material in this on-line community is ART.
· I have carefully read the above terms and agree to all of them.